Portamuíños 7, Bora 36154, Pontevedra (Galicia)
VAT NUMBER: B94196615
E-mail: info@hifasvet.com
Telephone: +34 986 861 087
Company registered in the Mercantile Registry of Pontevedra: Volume 2701, Book 2701, Folio 178, Section 8, Sheet: PO-29986
For the resolution of all disputes or matters related to this website or the activities carried out therein, the Spanish legislation shall apply, to which the parties expressly submit themselves, and the Courts and Tribunals of Pontevedra shall be competent for the resolution of conflicts arising from or related to its use, except in the case of the application of specific regulations on the protection of consumers and users.
For the resolution of online disputes under Article 14.1 of Regulation (EU) 524/2013: The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution platform, available at the following link: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/
Privacy Policy
In compliance with the regulations in force regarding data protection, HV, as the entity responsible for the website, informs all users who provide or will provide their data that these are the subject of treatment that has been recorded between HDT treatment activities, as provided for in Article30 of REGULATION (EU) No. 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT and OF THE COUNCIL of 27th April 2016 on the protection of physical persons concerning the processing of personal data and the free circulation of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter referred to as RGPD).
Your data form a part of the data files of a personal nature of HV whose purposes are:
A. Customer File:
According to Art. 6, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, point A of the RGPD, if we have previously obtained your express consent to the inscription on our newsletter, we will use the necessary details for this purpose to send commercial communications following that consent.
You can unsubscribe from the newsletter, at any time, by sending a message to our contact address appearing here or by clicking on the link provided in the e-mail with said commercial communication.
After you unsubscribe, we will block your e-mail address for this purpose if you have not given your express consent that the data is still being used, or we reserve the right to continue using your data in cases permitted by law and about which we inform you in this document.
B. Patient file:
Assessment by a medical professional, who will be the only one who can access the data, for effective treatment of pathologies with HV products.
Contains patient health data.
Suppose you provide personal data of third parties. In that case, it is imperative that with such data, you provide written authorisation, signed by the holder of the data, consenting to the termination of such data, before informing said holder of the purpose and person who will perform the treatment.
HDT does not store or transmit credit or debit card data since it conducts the process through Redsys and Ceca-enabled payment gateways.
The owner of the website is HV, whose identification and registration data appear in the heading of this legal notice.
The user voluntarily provides the requested information. Refusal to provide it means, as a sole consequence for the user, that they will not receive information tailored to their preferences or the services offered by the website.
By checking the corresponding box, the user expressly and freely agrees that HV will process their data for the following purposes:
– To provide the best experience (browsing, shopping, etc.)
– To manage their HV account
– To contact the user in case of any incident in the contracted service.
– To attend to the user’s queries.
– To send commercial communications to the user.
By checking the corresponding box, the user also expressly states that they are over 14 years of age.
HV, as the entity responsible for the file and data processing of a personal nature, is obliged to keep professional secrecy and confidentiality concerning the same, as well as to save them from the obligations that exist even after the termination of the user’s relationship with HV. To this end, HV will take the necessary measures to prevent its alteration, loss, treatment, or unauthorised access, taking into account the state of the technology. RIGHTS OF THE INTERESTED PARTIES. As an interested party, you have the following rights per the General Data Protection Regulations (RGPD):• according to Art. 77 RGPD, the right to file a complaint with a supervising authority. Generally, you can contact the supervising authority for your normal place of residence or work or the main office of our company. In Spain: the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) Calle Jorge Juan, no. 628001-Madrid. Phone: 901 100 099 https://www.aepd.es/
HV always guarantees users the exercise of their rights of access, rectification, limitation, suppression, cancellation, portability, and opposition to the personal data provided, addressing HV in writing, at the address given in the Legal Notice or on the e-mail addressinfo@hifasvet.com, always enclosing a copy of your national identity card.
Intellectual and industrial policy
All contents, brands, designs, logos, icons, buttons, software, trade names, domain names, and any other signs or elements susceptible to protection by intellectual and industrial property rights that form part of this website are the property of HV or third parties that have duly authorised their inclusion, and that appear as authors or owners of the rights.
The rights to use the website are owned by HV and protected by the Spanish Intellectual Property Laws and the applicable laws of the country used. The structure, organisation, and coding of the website are valuable trade secrets and confidential HV information. In this manner, the user should therefore treat the application of web information in the same manner as with any other material protected by intellectual property rights and may not copy them without the express written permission of their holders.
In any case, it is understood that any license is granted or that any waiver, transfer, termination, or partial termination of such rights is conferred, nor is any right, in particular, of use, reproduction, distribution, transformation, or public communication is conferred, in terms of such content, without the prior express written permission of HDT or the third parties concerned.
Trademarks should be used under trademark commercial uses, including the name of the brand’s owner.
Link Policy
HDT assumes no responsibility for links to other sites or websites that, if any, may be included in the same since it has no control over them. For this reason, the user accesses under their exclusive responsibility to the content and the conditions of use that govern them, in the terms and conditions laid down in Art. 17 LSSICE.